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Zoomline chart does not show any data point when it loads

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We had a requirement where we were suppose to show scatter plot for one of our charts. We are using the zoomline chart for showing the scatter chart with "alpha" = 0. We are using the zoomline because we would have more than 3000 datapoints and in Scatter charts the script became non-responsive.
The issue with Zoomline is that when our chart loads up we don't see any data point. The chart area is blank, when we do the zoom on chart then the data points start to show up.
The chart we are getting is attached. Can you give any pointers to resolve these issue?


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Can you please try using the attribute "anchorMinRenderDistance" and setting it to 1 and check if it works for you?


Ref. <chart .... anchorMinRenderDistance='1' >


Awaiting your response. :)

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Haritha, thanks for quick response  :) , the change that you mentioned works fine, but we see a lot of data points when chart loads up. I tried with


'pixelsPerPoint' and that also seems to work fine and with only 'pixelsPerPoint' attribute the initial page looks cleaner with fewer data points.

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Guest Rishab



It’s good to hear that 'pixelsPerPoint' worked for you and your issue was resolved.


I suggest you to put a high value for 'pixelsPerPoint'  eg- 50 or 60 so that your data is not crowded.

Edited by Rishab

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