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HeatMap click through multiselction of cells

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I have enabled HeatMap with my data. I also enabled click through feature via cell click and able to navigate to other screens. This is fine till now.


I would also like to select more than one cell (rather than just single cell click) and navigate to other pages. In this case, I should carry required info of cells to other scrrens while navigation. 



Is there any feature already in FC. Please let me know. Thanks.



Kiran M

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Guest Sashibhusan



If you are willing to navigate to the same page by selecting more than one cell in Heat map, you could provide the same URL to the respective "link" attribute of each <set> elements.


Could you please clarify, if I have understood your requirement correctly?


Also, if you are willing to carry required information of each cell, you could provide your custom JavaScript function call on click of each cell, and then redirect to your required page from that custom JavaScript function definition.


For more information on "Using JavaScript functions as links", please visit the link:


Hope this helps!

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Thanks Sashibhusan for your reply.


I have given url for each set element in dataset. With this I can navigate to desired pages upon cell click.

I have 5 by 6 grid HeatMap. Total of 30 cells. I can navigate to specified page upon cell click.


But I need to select multiple cells (say 1,3,5,6 I mean more than one cell) and should provide an option to navigate to the specified url So that I can get slected cells info and process fiuther. 


We have achieved similar kind of requirement in one our app using Adobe Flex. We have Bubble chart in that application. In Bubble Chart object there an option called mutilple selection. We have enabled it. We can select multiple bubbles by using Ctrl+Mouse selection or by slecting paritcular region with drag option.


Hope  the requirement is clear.

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There is some workaround I have done to fullfill my requirement.



I have used cell click to add corresponding cell id and required info in one HashMap(Java). You can select n no. of cells based on availability. Finally I have given one button to submit the selected cells. Reqiurement was fullfill.:)




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There is some workaround I have done to fullfill my requirement.



I have used cell click to add corresponding cell id and required info in one HashMap(Java). You can select n no. of cells based on availability. Finally I have given one button to submit the selected cells. Reqiurement was fullfill. :)






Thanks for sharing the workaround with us! :)


Happy FusionCharting! :)

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