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escape label and tooltip

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I have FusionCharts 3.3.1-sr2.19840 . How do I escape tooltips for html code? If I have an input in tooltip or even a <script> with some alert in it, it will trigger my javascript code... this is a huge problem. There is a property to escape tooltips and labels?

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Guest Rishab


The feature of adding HTML tags or script is not possible within the tooltip.

If your requirement is different, please let us know.

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Yes, it is possible... for example: I have a json with school names sent from server and I want to show a graph with number of users from every school and let's say the name of one of the schools is " School1 <input type='text' /> ", in the interface/graph it will show that input. I want to restrict this thing. I use FusionCharts 3.3.1-sr2.19840

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