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Steve Osborn

Why can I resize width but not height

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I am trying to make my pie chart resize to the space available in the browser.  I can get it to shrink with the changing width but if I do not make the height a fixed size it will not display the chart at all.  See below:


<script src="../FusionChartsXT/FusionCharts.js" language="JavaScript"></script>


    <div id="iSlsCrdDiv" style="width:100%; height:100%;">The Sales & Credit Percentage chart will appear here. </div>
    <script type="text/javascript">

             var iSlsCrdObj = new FusionCharts("/FusionChartsXT/Pie3D.swf",
            iSlsCrdObj.setXMLData("<chart caption='Sales & Credit Percentages for MAR' startingAngle='270' xAxisName='' yAxisName='' showLegend='0' showValues='1' showPercentValues='1' showPercentInToolTip='0' zeroPlaneColor='EEEEEE' zeroPlaneAlpha='100' zeroPlaneBorderColor='5F5F5F' numberPrefix='$' decimals='2' formatNumberScale='0' decimalSeparator='.' formatNumber='1' thousandSeparator=',' baseFontColor='8B0000' baseFontSize='12' baseFont='Arial' canvasBgDepth='20' canvasBaseColor='FEFEFE' chartLeftMargin='2' chartRightMargin='2' enableSmartLabels='1' manageLabelOverflow='1' bgAlpha='100' bgColor='FFFFFF'><set label='Qwik-Order Sales' color='00CCFF' value='249339.21'/><set label='Manual Sales' color='FFCC00' value='997600.53'/><set label='Credits' color='990033' value='21310.66'/></chart>");



Thank you for your time.

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Guest Rishab


Please provide us FusionCharts XT suite version used.

At our end, the chart is rendering fine in the above mentioned scenario using the latest version of FusionCharts.

As a suggestion, please try once setting absolute height to the parent container and check.

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It is version 3.3.1.


I tried setting the fixed height in the parent container and it does the same as the above code.  It renders and resizes when I change the width of the browser window, but changing the height of the browser window has no impact on resizing the chart.  Thanks.

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I set up your code and it worked fine.  However, when I replaced your <HTML> and <BODY> tags with our customary header information, the cart would not load.  I narrowed it down to the following line which I removed and the chart loaded and resized in both directions.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

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