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Xaxis labels overlapping

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    I have given labelDisplay='WRAP' in the xml for a chart.But the labels are not wrapped ,but overlapped in some cases when the number of bars is few.You can see the issue in the attachement.I had a query on the same once previously : and did not get an answer for that.Now I am using FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR5.Please help.





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Hi Deepti,


Apologies for the inconvenience.


Can you please share the XML code along with chart dimension? Are you trying to render Flash or JavaScript chart?

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Thanks for the reply.


Dimensions of the chart is : width-730,height-340


xml :

 "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><chart animation='1' labelDisplay='WRAP' rotateLabels='0' slantLabels='0' showValues='0' adjustDiv='0' yAxisMinValue='0.0' yAxisMaxValue='151.2' caption='Top 10 Worst Performing Machining Stations' xAxisName='Machining Station' yAxisName='No. of failures' bgColor='FFFFFF' canvasBgColor='F3F5F5' numDivLines='9' formatNumberScale='0' decimals='0' yAxisValueDecimals='0'> <set label='OP 150 Gage.Sta 150 Gage ' value='106.0' color='B99946' link='j-chartdrilldownjs-{PlotInfo=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc57900d6, ChartType=COLUMN, AgentId=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc52b0000:Daily:All:Machining_Top_10_Worst_Stations, SourceId=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc52b0000, DrillFunction=chartdrilldownjs}' toolText='106.0'/> <set label='OP 120 Crank Gage.Sta 120 Gage ' value='39.0' color='B99946' link='j-chartdrilldownjs-{PlotInfo=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc56a0046, ChartType=COLUMN, AgentId=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc52b0000:Daily:All:Machining_Top_10_Worst_Stations, SourceId=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc52b0000, DrillFunction=chartdrilldownjs}' toolText='39.0'/> <set label='OP 210T Final Gage.Sta 210 - Final Gage ' value='18.0' color='B99946' link='j-chartdrilldownjs-{PlotInfo=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc5a801fe, ChartType=COLUMN, AgentId=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc52b0000:Daily:All:Machining_Top_10_Worst_Stations, SourceId=8a2c907d40e37f210140e37fc52b0000, DrillFunction=chartdrilldownjs}' toolText='18.0'/></chart>"

Actually I have tried this same dimensions and xml with the Gallery\Column2D\Col2d1.html and it worked fine.Don't understand what can be the reson it is not working with my application.




Edited by deepti

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Guest Rishab


I am unable to replicate the issue at my end.

Using FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) sr5 the labels are wrapping perfectly fine without overlapping.

Can you please try rendering the chart in the attached sample and let us know if the issue still persists at your end.



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Thanks for your reply.

When tried independently the chart is coming fine.But when the same xml is set to a chart in my application,I am still getting the issue. :(


If you can tell me what can be the possible reasons for the issue to happen,I may be able to check it.


Awaiting a reply,


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Guest Rishab


Please try replacing the JavaScript files of the earlier post's sample with the JavaScript files of your application and let me know the result.

Since the issue is specific to your application. If the issue still persists, please provide a live link of your application or provide the application code that may help in comprehension.

Alternatively, you can also mail the code sample of your application to [email protected].

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Guest Rishab



I am unable to replicate the issue in flash chart at my end. The attached item is the screenshot of the chart.



Since the issue is specific to your application. Please provide a live link of your application or provide the application code that may help me in comprehension.


Alternatively, you can also mail the code sample of your application to [email protected].


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