spauny Report post Posted October 1, 2013 I am very disappointed with the latest version of fusioncharts. It has so many problems. There is possible to find the source code of fusioncharts.HC.js ?I have very strange problem. My caption is truncated only if the text is: Répartition des demandes par famillesI only see: Répartition des demandesWhy is that? I cannot find the problem. I used js beautify to beautify the minified js code and the problem is in the function getSmartTextYou can do some debugging using the first param with the specified value. I know I'm not very explicit but this is a very,very strange problem. If I use any other text it shows with problems...The code with problems is (sorry for the format): if (l) for (; w < i; w += 1) { if (c = b[w] = r[w], this.cache[c] ? H = this.cache[c].width : (H = la(c), this.cache[c] = { width: H }), g += H, a = b.join(""), g > f && (k || (k = a.substr(0, a.length - 1)), g > e)) return x.innerHTML = v.text = V(k) + u, v.tooltext = v.oriText, v.width = x.offsetWidth, v.height = x.offsetHeight, v } else for (; w < i; w += 1) if (c = b[w] = r[w], c === " " && !J && (c = " "), this.cache[c] ? H = this.cache[c].width : (H = la(c), this.cache[c] = { width: H }), g += H, a = b.join(""), g > f && (k || (k = a.substr(0, a.length - 1)), g > e)) if (c = d.substr(0, b.length).lastIndexOf(" "), g = d.substr(0, b.length).lastIndexOf("-"), c > t ? (b.splice(c, 1, "<br/>"), t = c, l = c + 1) : g > t ? (g === b.length - 1 ? b.splice(g, 1, "<br/>-") : b.splice(g, 1, "-<br/>"), t = g, l = g + 1) : (b.splice(b.length - 1, 1, "<br/>" + r[w]), l = w), x.innerHTML = a = b.join(""), ja += this.lineHeight, ja > q) return v.text = x.innerHTML = V(k) + u, v.tooltext = v.oriText, v.width = x.offsetWidth, v.height = x.offsetHeight, v; else k = null, c = h(d.substr(l), f, x, J), g = la(d.substr(l, c || 1)), b.length < l + c && (b = b.concat(d.substr(b.length, l + c - b.length).split("")), w = b.length - 1); v.text = x.innerHTML = a; v.width = x.offsetWidth; v.height = x.offsetHeight; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites