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display caption problem

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I am very disappointed with the latest version of fusioncharts. It has so many problems.
There is possible to find the source code of fusioncharts.HC.js ?
I have very strange problem. My caption is truncated only if the text is: Répartition des demandes par familles
I only see: Répartition des demandes
Why is that? 
I cannot find the problem. I used js beautify to beautify the minified js code and the problem is in the function getSmartText
You can do some debugging using the first param with the specified value.

I know I'm not very explicit but this is a very,very strange problem. If I use any other text it shows with problems...
The code with problems is (sorry for the format):

if (l)
                                    for (; w < i; w += 1) {
                                        if (c = b[w] =
                                            r[w], this.cache[c] ? H = this.cache[c].width : (H = la(c), this.cache[c] = {
                                                width: H
                                            }), g += H, a = b.join(""), g > f && (k || (k = a.substr(0, a.length - 1)), g > e)) return x.innerHTML = v.text = V(k) + u, v.tooltext = v.oriText, v.width = x.offsetWidth, v.height = x.offsetHeight, v
                                    } else
                                        for (; w < i; w += 1)
                                            if (c = b[w] = r[w], c === " " && !J && (c = " "), this.cache[c] ? H = this.cache[c].width : (H = la(c), this.cache[c] = {
                                                width: H
                                            }), g += H, a = b.join(""), g > f && (k || (k = a.substr(0, a.length - 1)), g > e))
                                                if (c = d.substr(0, b.length).lastIndexOf(" "), g = d.substr(0, b.length).lastIndexOf("-"),
                                                    c > t ? (b.splice(c, 1, "<br/>"), t = c, l = c + 1) : g > t ? (g === b.length - 1 ? b.splice(g, 1, "<br/>-") : b.splice(g, 1, "-<br/>"), t = g, l = g + 1) : (b.splice(b.length - 1, 1, "<br/>" + r[w]), l = w), x.innerHTML = a = b.join(""), ja += this.lineHeight, ja > q) 
													return v.text = x.innerHTML = V(k) + u, 
													v.tooltext = v.oriText, 
													v.width = x.offsetWidth, 
													v.height = x.offsetHeight, 
												k = null, 
												c = h(d.substr(l), f, x, J), 
												g = la(d.substr(l, c || 1)), 
												b.length < l + c && (b = b.concat(d.substr(b.length, l + c - b.length).split("")), w = b.length - 1);
                                v.text = x.innerHTML = a;
                                v.width = x.offsetWidth;
                                v.height =

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