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Ampersand in MSLine seriesName

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Displaying ampersand as part of seriesName in fusions charts not working the same in IE as Firefox/Chrome.  (especially IE 8).  Attached are the relative outputs.  The short version is that IE is not displaying the Ampersand, or anything after, while in Firefox/Chrome, the Ampersand is showing appropriately.


Here's the XML:

<chart defaultAnimation='0' plotGradientColor=' ' showBorder='0' canvasBorderColor='A0A0A4' bgcolor='FFFFFF' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='100' canvasbgColor='FFFFFF' canvasbgAlpha='0' canvasTopMargin='8' canvasBottomMargin='0' chartTopMargin='5' chartBottomMargin='0' chartLeftMargin='0' formatNumberScale='0' numDivlines='0' divLinecolor='969696' showLegend='1' legendCaption='' legendIconScale='1' legendPosition='RIGHT' legendBgColor='FFFFFF' legendBgAlpha='0' legendBorderColor='FFFFFF' legendBorderThickness='0' legendBorderAlpha='0' legendShadow='0' legendAllowDrag='0' interactiveLegend='1' legendNumColumns='1' minimiseWrappingInLegend='1' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='14' baseFontColor='000000' outCnvbaseFontSize='14' outCnvbaseFontColor='969696' showtoolTip='1' toolTipBorderColor='969696' toolTipBgColor='969696' xAxisName='' labelDisplay='Wrap' yAxisName='' showYAxisValues='1' yAxisMinValue='-50' yAxisMaxValue='50' numberSuffix='%'>  <categories>  <category label='W1' tooltext='Wave 1'/>  </categories>  <dataset seriesName='AAAA' color='#B00000' anchorSides='4' anchorRadius='4' >  <set value='40' showValue='0'  />  </dataset>  <dataset seriesName='AA&A' color='#B2B2B2' anchorSides='4' anchorRadius='4' >  <set value='22' showValue='0'  />  </dataset>  <dataset seriesName='AAAA' color='#7F7F7F' anchorSides='4' anchorRadius='4' dashed='1' lineDashLen='1'>  <set value='19' showValue='0'  />  </dataset>  <dataset seriesName='AAAA' color='#595959' anchorSides='4' anchorRadius='4' dashed='1' lineDashLen='2'>  <set value='24' showValue='0'  />  </dataset>  <dataset seriesName='EEEE' color='#404040' anchorSides='4' anchorRadius='4' dashed='1' lineDashLen='3'>  <set value='47' showValue='0'  />  </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name='MSTitle' type='font' size='12' color='1B1E1A' /> <style name='MSSubTitle' type='font' size='10' color='969696' /> <style name='Stubs' type='font' size='11' color='1B1E1A' /> <style name='Data' type='font' size='11' color='1B1E1A' /> <style name='RollOver' type='font' size='10' color='FFFFFF' /> <style name='AxisLabels' type='font' size='9' color='969696' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='caption' styles='MSTitle' /> <apply toObject='subcaption' styles='MSSubTitle' /> <apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='Stubs' /> <apply toObject='DataValues' styles='Data' /> <apply toObject='Legend' styles='Data' /> <apply toObject='toolTip' styles='RollOver' /> <apply toObject='yAxisValues' styles='AxisLabels' /> </application> </styles> </chart>

We've tried many different replacements for the Ampersand, but none of them worked in both places:

  1. &
  2. &amp;
  3. %26
  4. &
  5. &%26;
  6. &#x26; - This worked in IE, but broke in Firefox & chrome

So, how can we consistently have an Ampersand displayed in the labels for an MSLine chart?



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Guest Rishab


Please let me know the FusionCharts XT version you are using at your end.

I am unable to replicate the issue at my end.

The attached items are the screenshots of the JavaScript and Flash charts rendered by the data you provided using current version of FusionCharts XT suite.




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