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stackedBar2D chart rendering weird contents

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I am having an issue with stacked bar charts (javascript version)
I was migrating a flash chart to a javascript one, and the renders are not the same for the same JSON content
Here are some screenshots with the JSON example
Javascript code:

var aChart = new FusionCharts("StackedBar2D",
var jsonData = {"dataset": [{"color": "f4f4f4","data": [{"value": 1},{"value": 3},{"value": 48},{"value": 2},{"value": 7},{"value": 1},{"value": 1},{"value": 8},{"value": 7},{"value": 1},{"value": 2},{"value": 49},{"value": 34},{"value": 15}],"showvalues": 0}],"chart": {"yaxisminvalue": 0,"yaxismaxvalue": 50,"numdivlines": 4,"showsum": 1},"categories": [{"category": [{"label": "AAAAAAAA"},{"label": "BBBBBBBB"},{"label": "CCCCCCCC"},{"label": "DDDDDDDD"},{"label": "EEEEEEEE"},{"label": "FFFFFFFF"},{"label": "GGGGGGGG"},{"label": "HHHHHHHH"},{"label": "IIIIIIIII"},{"label": "JJJJJJJJJ"},{"label": "KKKKKKKKK"},{"label": "LLLLLLLLL"},{"label": "MMMMMMMMM"},{"label": "NNNNNNNNN"}]}]};


Flash code:

var aChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/StackedBar2D.swf",
var jsonData = {"dataset": [{"color": "f4f4f4","data": [{"value": 1},{"value": 3},{"value": 48},{"value": 2},{"value": 7},{"value": 1},{"value": 1},{"value": 8},{"value": 7},{"value": 1},{"value": 2},{"value": 49},{"value": 34},{"value": 15}],"showvalues": 0}],"chart": {"yaxisminvalue": 0,"yaxismaxvalue": 50,"numdivlines": 4,"showsum": 1},"categories": [{"category": [{"label": "AAAAAAAA"},{"label": "BBBBBBBB"},{"label": "CCCCCCCC"},{"label": "DDDDDDDD"},{"label": "EEEEEEEE"},{"label": "FFFFFFFF"},{"label": "GGGGGGGG"},{"label": "HHHHHHHH"},{"label": "IIIIIIIII"},{"label": "JJJJJJJJJ"},{"label": "KKKKKKKKK"},{"label": "LLLLLLLLL"},{"label": "MMMMMMMMM"},{"label": "NNNNNNNNN"}]}]};


In the screenshot you can see that some letters on the left are not displayed and the "1" values are not at the right place
The same thing is happening in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer
Is this a known "bug" ?


Thanks in advance your replies



Edited by DamienK

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