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Vertical Bullet Chart - Tick Mark formatting related

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Hi Fusion Charts team,


 I am working on a sample dash board and I am using a Vertical Bullet Chart. I have defined 3 colour ranges, actual and target values.
 Now, the Bullet chart is displaying the values on the Y axis as usual based on the tickmark settings. How ever, I wish to get rid of
 the values on the Y axis (which I could get by setting major and minor tick mark count to 0) and display a custom text next to each
 colour range. Is this possible in Fusion Charts? I have attached a sample image of what I am expecting.
 1. How to add this custom text as the tick mark text?
 2. Also Can we change the tool tip text of the actual value (by default the tool tip contains the value itself)?
 3. "plotasdot" is making the Actual value as a 'Dot' - Similar to this, is there any way to plot it as a line?
 4. Can we change the colour of the Actual Value & Target Value?

 Can you please guide me on these?



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Guest Rishab


Below are the answers to your queries mentioned in the above post-

 1. How to add this custom text as the tick mark text?

>>As of now this feature is not available.

  However, as a workaround you can use the Annotations to fulfill the needed scenario.

For ex-

              <annotationGroup id='Grp1' >
              <annotation type='text' x='20' y='100' label='Medium' color="000000"/>
              <annotation type='text' x='20' y='190' label='Low' color="000000"/>
              <annotation type='text' x='20' y='70' label='Target' color="ff0000"/>

The attached item is the screenshot of the same-

For more information please visit-
 2. Also Can we change the tool tip text of the actual value (by default the tool tip contains the value itself)?

>>As of now, In Vertical Bullet widget it is not possible to provide custom tooltext.

 3. "plotasdot" is making the Actual value as a 'Dot' - Similar to this, is there any way to plot it as a line?
>>You can only opt to show the plot as point or a bar.

 4. Can we change the colour of the Actual Value & Target Value?

>> Yes, you can use the 'plotFillColor' and 'targetColor' attributes of the <chart> element to provide the color of the plot color and the target color.

For ex- 

<chart plotFillColor='ff0000' targetColor='00ff00'>

Fore more Dataplot properties, please visit-

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Thanks Rishab for the information. How ever while attaching the annotations, is there any way to find the 'Y' coordinates of the Color Ranges, Value dot as well as the Target Line?  Since these charts are driven by Data base values, we can not fix the 'Y' coordinate of the Annotation during design time. If we can get the Y coordinates of where the color ranges are ending, we can add the annotations at those places in the JS code.  Can you please guide me on this?




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Guest Rishab


As of now it is not possible way to fetch the 'Y' coordinate value for Annotation element.

You will have to write your own logic to identify the Y co-ordinate based on values retrieved from database.

Hope this helps.

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