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Xiangjing Li

Pie3D legend can't be displayed properly in IPAD IOS 7

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Hi FusionCharts support:


I recently encountered a problem that legend in Pie3D type can't be displayed properly in IPAD (IOS7). All legend contents squeezed together. I am using fusioncharts/3.3.1-sr2.19840. Here is what I implemented for your reproduction. It works properly in Windows browsers instead. I guess the main difference is that Windows is using Pie3D.swf to display but IOS can't use it.


<Reproduce steps:>


1. define a simple XML file for Pie3D graphing




<chart caption='Company Revenue' showLegend='1' showValues='1'>

    <set label='Legend_1' value='50' />

    <set label='Legend_2' value='32' />

    <set label='Legend_3' value='42' />



2. In web page, create a  div called "piechart" for placing the Pie3D chart


<div id='piechart' ></div>


3. Use FusionCharts Javascript functionality to create a Pie3D object


var myChart = new FusionCharts('./FusionChart/Pie3D.swf', 'mygraph', fw, fh);





1. In IPAD IOS 7, all the three legends squeezed together.


2. Plus the Pie3D created in IPAD IOS7 looks very weird. It looks like a slim stick but not a pie style. Maybe the reason is the XML file has to explicitly set up option "pieRadius" "pieSliceDepth" and "startingAngle" value for IOS?



Hope someone can help figure it out!









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Guest Sashibhusan

Hi Xiangjing,


We have tested by creating sample Pie3D chart in iOS7 and it works fine for Trial version of FusionCharts XT v3.3.1-sr2.19840 with jQuery 10.2.


Please find the attached screen shot, for your reference.


Also, please provide any scaled down sample along with the screen shot of your issue, to test and replicate from our end.


Hope this helps!


Awaiting your response.


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Hi FusionChart support,


Thanks a lot for the reply.Please check two screen shots posted:


1.PNG -  The chart displays well in Windows Chrome Browser 


2.PNG -  The chart doesn't display well from an actual IPAD Chrome Browser.


Based on your screen shot, it seems IPAD simulator was applied for verify. Then flash feature could still be used for drawing charts if it is not closed in simulator. could it be verified in a real IPAD?



Thanks for the help.




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I did multiple trials and figured it out partially.  Now my Pie3d chart can display correctly. From what I tried, it seems all pie related options  in Pie3D (such as pieradius, pieyscale..)have to be assigned explicitly in pure Javascript (IPAD). By comparison, it seems those options have default settings in swf,  As a result, if those options aren't assigned, piechart can't display in IPAD but it does display correctly in Windows browsers.


After I assigned values into Pie chart options in Javascript, The Pie chart can be displayed in IPAD.


But legend area in my case still doesn't work. As shown in attached screen shot, all legend text squeezed together. Can anybody help resolve it?


1) Here is my XML for displaying the pie3d chart.


<chart caption='User test1 Job Statistcs Today for All Queues in All Clusters' 
                        palette='2' animation='1' showAboutMenuItem='0' pieYScale='40' pieRadius='110' pieSliceDepth='15' startingAngle='120' 
                        formatNumberScale='0' numberPrefix='' showValues='1' showPercentInToolTip='0' showLabels='1' 
                        showLegend='1' legendPosition='BOTTOM' legendNumColumns='5' >
<set label='Pending' value='1' isSliced='0' />
<set label='Running' value='5' isSliced='0' />
<set label='Started' value='0' isSliced='0' />
<set label='Ended' value='0' isSliced='0' />
<set label='Exited' value='0' isSliced='0' />

2) please see attached screen shot.



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Just do the update that he issue is finally resolved. There is a part in our code designed to change Pie Chart size dynamically when in IPAD or in Windows. the <div> part is incorrectly defined in IPAD, which causes Pie chart height becomes 0 when creating FusionChart Pie chart.





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Guest Sashibhusan



Glad to hear that you have managed of your own to resolve your issue. :)

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