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Charts drilldown and label problem when scrolling

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Consider the following html structure:


<body style="overflow: hidden; height: 100%">

     <div class="wrapper" style="overflow: auto; height: 100%">

          <div id="chartContainer_1"></div>

          <div id="chartContainer_2"></div>


          <div id="chartContainer_n"></div>




Charts will be rendered in this containers.

Once you scroll down charts won't display labels anymore also drilldown function won't be called anymore.

Is there a way to fix this?






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Guest Rishab


At my end no such issue is replicated in the mentioned scenario.

Can you please provide me the sample code or a live URL of your application that may help to replicate the issue at my end?

Also, let me know the browser details along with the FusionCharts XT suite version you are using.


Meanwhile, you can refer the attached sample.


Awaiting response.

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Guest Rishab


Can you please try updating the FusionCharts XT suite and then render the chart?

In the current version of FusionCharts XT (v-3.3.1 sr3) no issues are replicated.

Please refer the attached sample and let me know if still your issue persists.

Hope this helps.

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