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ZoomLine handling of sparse data

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We have a ZoomLine chart that displays price on the y axis and date on the x-axis.


We have data that sometimes has large gaps.  Those gaps in a ZoomLine render as straight (flat) lines.  This is confusion to the user - it makes it look like the price remained the same over time, when really there just wasn't any data for that time period.


Is there any way to visually communicate this to the user?  Can we configure the ZoomLine chart to do something like render a dashed line when the gap between data points is too large?



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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please confirm once whether you have set "connectNullData" to "1", in the <chart> element of data XML?


If yes, make it to "0" to have discontinued plot for the dates those does not have any price values.


However, applying "dashed" to "1" in <dataset> element will make the entire line plot to dashed, which might not fulfill your requirement.


For more information on "ZoomLine Chart Specification Sheet", please visit the link:


Hope this helps!

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I found this example that is exactly what I want:


but I've been playing with the examples that come with the download, and I can't get it to work (the line won't show as dashed).  Unless it is limited to 2d line charts, which I haven't tried yet.  But I need it to work on a ZoomLine chart.

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Guest Rishab



As shown in the image provided in the earlier post, to show the line in the ZoomLine chart as dashed you need to provide the empty value at the appropriate place in the data XML.


For example-


The attached item is the data XML along with the screenshot showcasing the needed feature in ZoomLine chart.


Hope this helps.



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Guest Rishab



As of now it is not possible to plot discontinuous data (dashed) as shown in the link in ZoomLine chart.

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