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Some vertical x-axis DataLabels

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I created a 'MSStackedColumn2DLineDY' chart with JavaScript.

'example.xml' as data source is attached.


var chartObj = new FusionCharts('MSStackedColumn2DLineDY', 'ChartId', "100%", "100%");
All x-axis DataLabels are correct on this chart with maximizing window, but when a window is made small, a chart has some vertical DataLabels.
I tried 'AUTO' and 'WRAP' on an attribute 'labelDisplay', but this vertical label did not be resolved.
I hope that all DataLabels are horizontal per each lines, and long label name can be truncated.
Is it possible?




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Guest Sumedh



Try to set labelDisplay='Auto' and slantLabels='1' in the chart XML.


And remove the {br} psuedo codes from the category elements.

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DataLables have been horizontal thanks to your advice.

But, I have a further question about this, are multiple lines on DataLabels not acceptable for you?


I would like to have the multiple lines on DataLabels with {br}, for example, 'Name{br}Value'.

Please let me know if you have other way to achieve this.



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Guest Sumedh



Chart displays labels as per the data you provide and if you provide long labels with {br} pseudo code, then chart adjust them and displays as per the dimensions also.


To display the long labels with {br} pseudo code, you need to provide larger chart dimensions.


For more information, please refer the following link:

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