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vbullet "upperLimit" not working if less than 90

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Hi, I am dealing with some very small percentages and I want to show only 0-20% of the vbullet chart so the values have meaning and will show on a chart but when I define the upper limit as seen below, it still shows 100% and will not just use 20 or anything less than 90. I have also included a snippet of the code that generates the data.




thanks in advance...




Code that generates xml data:




<div id="chart2div" align="center">FusionGadgets</div>


<script type="text/javascript">


var myChart2 = new FusionCharts("charts/VBullet.swf", "myChart2Id", "100", "350", "0", "0");


myChart2.setDataURL("xml_data/VBullet1_2.xml<?php echo "?currTime=" . date("h_i_s") . "_60"; ?>");






Generated XML data:


<chart palette='3' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='20' chartBottomMargin='10' chartLeftMargin='10' caption='% Counted'


subcaption='of Total' numberSuffix='%' showBorder='0' showValue='1' clickURL=''>




<color minValue='0' maxValue='20' code='bfdff9' />







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