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SVG Converter error when downloading a fusion chart in IE 9

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I am trying to download a chart as JPEG image i have created but when i try to download it throws an exception .


I am using MVC c# and IE 9 browser.


I am attaching the exception.



Is there any way we can rename the file that is downloaded?





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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please provide the XML/JSON data provided to the chart for plotting, in which you are facing this issue, to better look into it?


Awaiting your valuable response.

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{"caption":"Distribution 2014","bgcolor":"#FFFFFF","canvasbgcolor":"#FFFFFF","showcanvasbg":"0","showborder":"1","subcaption":"Only for SSL  - Click on a column to view information","xaxisname":"Department Name","showlegend":"1","yaxisname":"Certificates","showvalues":"1","useroundedges":"1","exportenabled":"1","formatnumberscale":"0","labeldisplay":"AUTO","maxLabelWidthPercent":"50"},

"data":[{"Label":"ITS","Value":"5148","Link":""},{"Label":"Global Corporate Technology","Value":"1339","Link":""},{"Label":"IT Services (F5)","Value":"33","Link":""},{"Label":"PayPal Global Financial Services (BillMeLater)","Value":"30","Link":""},{"Label":"Site Operations","Value":"21","Link":""},{"Label":"PayPal","Value":"20","Link":""},{"Label":"EF - Shared Services Technology","Value":"19","Link":""},{"Label":"Corp Tech - ITS&I SJC","Value":"11","Link":""},{"Label":"ITBS","Value":"11","Link":""},{"Label":"IT Services","Value":"8","Link":""}],



If you need more information please let me know.

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Yes, it is a known issue with the latest version of FusionCharts Suite. However, this issue has been internally fixed. 

We are hoping to release the fix around early next month. We would keep you posted.


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Guest Sashibhusan


Thank you for your patience.

Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts v3.4 that includes a lot of new features and enhancements?

You can see the upcoming new docs at and new additions at

I hope this helps. Looking forward to your valuable feedback.

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