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Horizontal Funnel

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Hi Guys,


I have two questions about funnels!


1: I was wondering is it possible to render the funnel horizontally instead of vertically?


2: Is it possible to render the 3d Funnel with a flat color pallet? I don't mean 2D... I just mean using solid colour so the 3d effect would be created with two tones rather than gradients. I guess im asking can the gradient but turned off on the 3d funnels. 


Thanks for your help guys!

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1: I was wondering is it possible to render the funnel horizontally instead of vertically?

>>No, it is not possible to render Horizontal Funnel chart.


2: Is it possible to render the 3d Funnel with a flat color pallet? I don't mean 2D... I just mean using solid colour so the 3d effect would be created with two tones rather than gradients. I guess im asking can the gradient but turned off on the 3d funnels. 

>> It is not possible to visualize 3D Funnel charts with flat/solid color.

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