Set the Grid(ssgrid.swf) row height as Constant value irrespective of no. of rows

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Hello Friends,

                    I am using a Grid(ssgrid.swf) in my php page which has fixed height but no.of rows of output varies depending upon a selection on my page.It can be 1 or many depending on the selection.


What happens is that the vertical(height) of the rows gets changed  according to the no. of  outputs ( the total height of the grid is occupied by all row(s) whether 1 or many) which is not at all desired.


What I want is that  vertical space b/w records should fixed  irrespective of the no. of records(1 or many) i.e. each record/row should always have a fixed height (irrespective of no. of outputs).


I have tried necessary combination of properties given in the grid documentation by which I was able to customize display(output) to some extent but I am not able to do this using those props.


Thanx all.


for example if i have only 1 row as output it should appear like this:


heavy motors















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Guest Sashibhusan

Please note that the "ssgrid" will plot the rows based on the number of <set> elements provided in the XML data and the height of each will be auto calculated based on the total height of the chart and the number of set elements provided.


So, if your number of rows (set elements) change, the width of the each grid will also change.


However, to fix the row height, as a work around you can fix the number of set elements for all cases and put NULL values for those rows which does hot have any value.


Ref. XML:

    <set label='Jan' value='462' />
    <set label='Feb' value='' />
    <set label='Mar' value='' />

The screed shot of the chart using the above data is attached here for your reference.


Hope this helps!



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