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How To Add Customize option in Fusion Chart Export Options

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Hello Team,


I am using Javascript driven MsLine Chart for which I have enable client side export for PDF,PNG,SVG downloading.


But now I want to add Export to Excel Menu Item in the Fusion Charts export drop down, and how can I call my javascript function on click of the item which is written for generates the Excel for chart data.


Could you please suggest me the way for it ??






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Hello Team,


I am using Javascript driven MsLine Chart for which I have enable client side export for PDF,PNG,SVG downloading.


But now I want to add Export to Excel Menu Item in the Fusion Charts export drop down, and how can I call my javascript function on click of the item which is written for generates the Excel for chart data.


Could you please suggest me the way for it ??




Hi Amol,


FusionCharts does not support "Export to excel" feature as of now. You would need to export the chart as images and then integrate it into your Excel report.


For exporting the data, you would need to export it as CSV and then transfer to Excel.


Hope this clarifies the query. :)

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Thanks for your response Sanjukta,


I have 2 queries

1>  I am already using getCsv() method for getting Chart data, and also written a Javascript function which generates Excel file, but how can I add Export Option in Fusion chart's  Client Side Export Drop Down  ?


2> The way you are suggesting how can I implement it ? could you please elaborate ?




Amol Chaudhari.

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Guest Sashibhusan

Hi Amol,


Please find the response to your queries, below:


1>  I am already using getCsv() method for getting Chart data, and also written a Javascript function which generates Excel file, but how can I add Export Option in Fusion chart's  Client Side Export Drop Down  ?

>>I am afraid, FusionCharts JavaScript framework does not provide the functionality to edit the export menu item and insert one extra option for saving the chart as excel file.


However, you can hide the entire export button by setting "exportShowMenuItem" to "0" in the chart element and create your own HTML icons for all these options and onClick of those options, call "exportChart()" method to achieve the same functionality.


For more information on "Initiating form JavaScript", please visit the link:


2> The way you are suggesting how can I implement it ? could you please elaborate ?

>>Do you need the chart data to be exported to Excel file or the chart image into the excel file? If chart data, it seems you have already implemented the same functionality.


To import the image to an excel file, please find the details from link:


Hope this helps!


Looking forward to your valuable response.

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