Bob Tiamsic

Click on bar charts then execute a C# method/function

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Is it possible when we click on a data plot in bar chart, it will execute a C# function?


How can we do this?


please help me with my problem.

Edited by Bob Tiamsic

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What I need to do is when I click on a data plot, a c# method with parameters will be called that will populate a grid inside a modalpopupextender, then the modalpopupexteder will be shown.

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What I need to do is when I click on a data plot, a c# method with parameters will be called that will populate a grid inside a modalpopupextender, then the modalpopupexteder will be shown.



Please note that on clicking a data plot you need to call a JavaScript function as link that would in turn call any server-side script.


FusionCharts is a client-side component and does not support direct server-side interaction as of now.


Hope this helps. :)

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