
Sorting by another column

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Hi, I have a list that collects a large amount of data including a date of event.


From this, calculated columns convert the date field into

  1. A "Financial Year" month NUMBER where April = 1
  2. A TEXT month such as April
  3. A "Group by Month" column that combines the above so that a "grouped" view is sorted in the correct order (1 - April, 2 - May...)

Unfortunately options 2 and 3 are text fields and get sorted as such (1 - April, 10 - January, 11 - February, 12 - March, 2 - May...).


Is it possible to group a chart by the Displayed Month (Option 2) but sort it by Financial Year month NUMBER (1, 2, 3 ...)?





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From Collabion Charts Version 2.0 we have added a new functionality which enables you to sort x axis of a chart based on some other column than the actual x axis column. 


For more details please visit Collabion documentation for 'Series Customization

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