domurtag Report post Posted August 8, 2014 Hi, I'm using Fusion Charts v. 3.2.4-sr1.9888 and am using the JavaScript charts renderer. When I display a Zoom Line chart, the tooltips appear when the mouse is hovered over a data point. However, when the chart is zoomed in, most of the tooltips do not appear on mouseover. If I reset the chart to the default zoom level, they appear again. Is there a way to make the tooltips work at all zoom levels? My chart XML is show below (dataset omitted for brevity). <chart canvasBorderColor='606060' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='100' lineWidth='1' divLineColor='606060' divLineAlpha='30' showAlternateVGridColor='0' alternateHGridAlpha='5' showAlternateHGridColor='1' alternateHGridColor='101010' baseFontColor='666666' showValues='0' decimals='2' sDecimals='2' formatNumberScale='0' forceDecimals='0' decimalSeparator='.' thousandSeparator=',' showRTMenuItem='0' bgColor='F9F9F9' showBorder='0' xAxisNamePadding='5' yAxisNamePadding='5' manageResize='1' showLegend='0' thousandSeparatorPosition='3' caption='Number of Transactions' showValue='1' valueBelowPivot='1' borderThickness='0' scrollHeight='10' captionPadding='5' chartTopMargin='30' chartRightMargin='30' showToolTip='1' numberPrefix='' lineColor='#080808' drawToolbarButtons='0' yAxisName='' xAxisName='' btnResetChartTitle='Reset' btnSwitchToPinModeTitle='Pin' btnSwitchtoZoomModeTitle='Zoom'> <categories> <category label=' '/> </categories> <dataset> <set value='0'/> </dataset> <trendlines> <line startValue='' displayvalue=' ' dashed='1'/> </trendlines> </chart> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swarnam Report post Posted August 11, 2014 Hi, You are seem to be using earlier version of FusionCharts. Please try upgrading to the latest version. This issue does not seem to be exist. Check the following demo gallery link: Download Trial version at: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites