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Label problem with pie charts

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First i lke to say thank you for the great FusionCharts. But i have a problem with the label in my charts. Because i`m not a fluent english speaker let me show you my problem with 2 pictures:


Here is my chart:




As you can see the database request works but I dont have any label on the chart like in this chart:




I copied the hole xml code from the other website but as you can see it wont work.

If i add another dataset in the database it look like this (which is ok) :





This is the whole xml code i use:


First the one with one user has 100% (which dont show any label):

<chart palette='3'  caption='Total playtime by user' showPercentageInLabel ='1' showpercentvalues='1' showValues='1' showpercentintooltip='1' showlabels='1' bgcolor='ffffff' showzeropies='0' defaultanimation='0' showborder='0' showplotborder='0' showshadow='1' use3dlighting='1' slicingdistance='15'>
<set name='flash' value='132' showName='1' ></set>

This time with 2 users (label are shown):

<chart palette='3'  caption='Total playtime by user' showPercentageInLabel ='1' showpercentvalues='1' showValues='1' showpercentintooltip='1' showlabels='1' bgcolor='ffffff' showzeropies='0' defaultanimation='0' showborder='0' showplotborder='0' showshadow='1' use3dlighting='1' slicingdistance='15'>
<set name='flash' value='132' showName='1' ></set>
<set name='Test' value='160' showName='1' ></set>

I searched now for about 2 hr in the doc and via google, but i dont find any answer. Maybe anyone can help me to get the chart run when one user has 100%


Thanks for your help




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Hello thanks for your report, hope you find the problem.

Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite v3.4.1 that includes the fixes to the previously reported issues and see if this helps?
Awaiting your feedback.

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