
Why the second graphic on a same page the Matrix of Legend is NaN

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Why the second graphic on a same page, the Matrix svg of the Legend have NaN for all is variable like this code :


The first graphic is OK. Look the screen shot.


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Sorry but I don't have mention I use a MAC.


And here is the XML code

		<!-- START Code Block for Chart MSCombi3D -->
<div id="MSCombi3D2Div"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" ><!--
	// Instantiate the Chart 
	if ( FusionCharts("MSCombi3D") && FusionCharts("MSCombi3D").dispose ) FusionCharts("MSCombi3D").dispose();
	var chart_MSCombi3D2 = new FusionCharts( {  "swfUrl" : "MSCombi3D",  "width" : "600",  "height" : "300",  "renderAt" : "MSCombi3D2Div",  "renderer" : "javascript",  "dataFormat" : "xml",  "id" : "MSCombi3D2",  "dataSource" : "<chart showPercentInToolTip=\"1\" decimalSeparator=\".\" thousandSeparator=\" \" formatNumberScale=\"1\" numberScaleUnit=\"K,M,B\" numberScaleValue=\"1000,1000,1000\" sFormatNumberScale=\"1\" sNumberScaleUnit=\"K,M,B\" sNumberScaleValue=\"1000,1000,1000\" caption=\"Nombre d\'inscriptions 2015\" showBorder=\"1\" showlabels=\"1\" showlegend=\"1\" showvalues=\"0\" areaOverColumns=\"0\" decimals=\"2\" xAxisName=\"Mois\" yAxisName=\"Nombre\"><definition/><application/><categories><category label=\"Janv.\"/><category label=\"Févr.\"/><category label=\"Mars\"/><category label=\"Avr.\"/><category label=\"Mai\"/><category label=\"Juin\"/><category label=\"Juil.\"/><category label=\"Août\"/><category label=\"Sept.\"/><category label=\"Oct.\"/><category label=\"Nov.\"/><category label=\"Déc.\"/></categories><dataset seriesname=\"Nombre d\'inscriptions\" color=\"45eac9\" showvalues=\"0\"><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/></dataset><dataset seriesname=\"Nombre d\'inscriptions accumulées (2014)\" color=\"ff2627\" showvalues=\"0\" renderAs=\"Line\"><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/></dataset><dataset seriesname=\"Nombre d\'inscriptions accumulées\" color=\"EEEEF0\" showvalues=\"0\" renderAs=\"Area\"><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/><set value=\"0.00\"/></dataset><dataset seriesname=\"Prévision - Nombre d\'inscriptions\" color=\"F6BD0F\" showvalues=\"0\" renderAs=\"Line\"><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/><set value=\"0\"/></dataset></chart>" } ).render();
// --></script>
Edited by PatF

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Thanks for your respond.


We use the QT webkit  engine browser on MAC to display our charts.

We use QT webkit engine for Window too and the charts is displayed correctly.

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