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Extremely Slow In Low Version System's IE8

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I have updated fusion charts from V3.2.1 to newest version fusion charts XT.


But when I test it on windows 2003 and windows XP the performance in IE8 was extremely slow,the scroll bar moves after I dragged for seconds.


High version IE or other browsers went well,and high version system has no problem either even in IE8.


Before I updated,it will render flash in IE8 and it was very fast,is there anyway to solve this problem or some setting that can make it render by


using flash as old version?

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post.


No, it is not possible to render the same chart in Flash mode  using older version in IE 8.


Since the issue is with the older version of IE8, it is not possible to resolve the performance issue completely in FusionCharts Suite XT. But, compare to older version of FusionCharts Suite, the latest one has improved a bit.


However, we could suggest you to detect the browser version (before rendering the chart) by implementing your own code, and for IE8 specially disable the chart animation, tooltips, custom styles etc., which will run your application a bit faster.


Hope this helps.

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