
save chart image without rendering it in browser

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I read about exporting chart without rendering it in browser. I want to do it in .net application. You have provided  FusionChartsImageSaver.dll for that. But it supports only xml data and it is not updated for fusioncharts latest version(if am not wrong).

So can you provide updated information on it?




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I read about exporting chart without rendering it in browser. I want to do it in .net application. You have provided  FusionChartsImageSaver.dll for that. But it supports only xml data and it is not updated for fusioncharts latest version(if am not wrong).

So can you provide updated information on it?



Could you please let us know the FusionCharts version you are using? If you are using the latest version, please note that the .Net Image Saver Assembly only exports Flash charts, which is not supported any further. The latest version is purely a JavaScript charting component and does not support Flash any further.
However, for the same purpose currently, we can provide you with the following 2 3rd party solutions.
1. FCImg : This s a free PHP library that allows you to generate PNG and JPEG images of your charts on the server, without even rendering the chart in a browser. It renders the JavaScript version of FusionCharts at the server and and then internally uses the open-source wkhtmltoimage shell utility to convert the charts to images.
2. Using wkhtmltoimage : The charts are exported without being rendered in the browser using wkhtmltoimage is a simple shell utility to convert HTML to images.
If you are looking for normal C# export handler to export the charts when rendered on the browser, please note that it is officially included in the latest FusionCharts v3.5.0 version.
Hope this helps. :)

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