
How can I pull chart data from a list from another site?

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I have multiple sharepoint sites, each with task lists and charts working within the site itself. 


I want to create a site that pulls the data from all the task lists.


I tried to create a page at the top level site and in the Fusion Chart / Task list name I tried putting in the URL to the list and I get an error that the list could not be found. 





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  On 11/24/2014 at 5:31 PM, tvenettozzi said:

I have multiple sharepoint sites, each with task lists and charts working within the site itself. 


I want to create a site that pulls the data from all the task lists.


I tried to create a page at the top level site and in the Fusion Chart / Task list name I tried putting in the URL to the list and I get an error that the list could not be found. 





Hi Tim,


Could you please confirm if you are using Collabion chart for SharePoint or FusionCharts so that we can assist you accordingly?


Awaiting your response.

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  On 12/1/2014 at 9:53 PM, tvenettozzi said:

We are using fusion charts. 





Hi Tim,


Please note that FusionCharts does not support pulling chart data from a list from another site. You would need to code this at you end as per your requirement.


However, you can check with Collabion charts for SharePoint which supports this,



Hope this helps. :)

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