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fusioncharts.powercharts.js file version issue

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Hi Team,


I am working on one application which is already created and using licensed version of fusioncharts.FusionChart.js file details are as follows:


 FusionCharts JavaScript Library
 Copyright FusionCharts Technologies LLP
 License Information at <>
 @version fusioncharts/3.3.1-sr2.19840
 @attributions (infers respective third-party copyrights)
 Raphael 2.1.0 (modified as "Red Raphael") <>
 SWFObject v2.2 (modified) <>
 jQuery 1.8.3 <>
 Firebug Lite 1.3.0 <>
All my fusion chart js files are of version 3.3.1-sr2 except js file used for powercharts which is of version(@version fusioncharts/3.2.4-release.8565) 3.2.4.Now whenever I create any powerchart like Spline ,Radar etc it shows me error "0x800a138f - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'legendTypes': object is null or undefined".
Is there a way to get the powercharts js file of same version as of other files.

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As you have mentioned that you have been using different files from different version, this will cause issues with the charts. We would suggest to to use all the JS files from a specific version only. 


Could you please try upgrading to our latest version and test your charts for any issue. 


To download the latest Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite, please visit the link:


Please note that starting v3.4, the file names and package structure of FusionCharts JavaScript library files have changed. Additionally, all file names are now in lower case to avoid conflicts on case-sensitive servers.


Please refer the documentation link below for upgrading.


Hope this would resolve your issue. If the issue still persists please do drop us a mail.



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