
Combo chart (Column + Line) using PHP and MYSQL data

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I am using PHP with fusioncharts

I have two charts - a column and a line chart working perfectly. They each get data from 2 diferent MSQL queries.

I am trying to combine the charts into 1 combination chart .


The documentation I found refers to a addDataset and addChartData methods but neither seem to be supported


Could you provide any examples that achieve the above please 


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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


Could you please upgrade the version of FusionCharts you are having to latest version 3.7 since the methods you are referring to is being deprecated.


To avail this licensed release, you would need to re-Download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center.
To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.7, please visit the link:
Hope this helps.

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Hi and thanks for the reply.

Let me clarify. I AM using the latest version 3.7. 

The only examples I could find for Combo PHP/MYSQL charts referred to the old deprecated version.


my question is can you provide any documentation and/or examples for the current version ?

the links you provided point to very basic guidelines.




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