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Javascript links not working

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I have made a simple drill down map which drills down from the world regions map into continents.


The problem that I am facing is that even though the World map is getting created and the continents have become clickable links, NOTHING happens when I click the links.




I enabled debug mode and saw that the xml was correct. Here is the xml that is printed while debugging.




XML Data:


<map bgColor='515166' borderColor='005879' fillColor='9DA58C' numberSuffix=' % ' includeValueInLabels='0' labelSepChar=': ' baseFontSize='9'><colorRange><color minValue='90' maxValue='500' displayValue='> 90% Completion Rate' color='FFFFFF' /><color minValue='70' maxValue='90' displayValue='70% - 90% Completion Rate' color='FFBABA' /><color minValue='1' maxValue='70' displayValue='1% - 70% Completion Rate' color='FF6060' /><color minValue='0' maxValue='1' displayValue='Zero Completion Rate' color='FF1E1E' /><color minValue='1000' maxValue='1000' displayValue='No Data' color='9DA58C' /></colorRange> <data> <entity id='01' value='79.88' displayValue='ASIA' link='Javascript:showWorldMap();' /><entity id='02' value='91.27' displayValue='EUROPE' link='Javascript:show02Map();' /><entity id='03' value='80.0' displayValue='AFRICA' link='Javascript:show03Map();' /><entity id='04' value='94.19' displayValue='NORTH AMERICA' link='Javascript:show04Map();' /><entity id='05' value='78.19' displayValue='SOUTH AMERICA' link='Javascript:show05Map();' /><entity id='06' value='89.47' displayValue='CENTRAL AMERICA' link='Javascript:show06Map();' /><entity id='07' value='65' displayValue='OCEANIA' link='Javascript:show07Map();' /><entity id='08' value='0' displayValue='MIDDLE EAST' link='Javascript:show08Map();' /> </data></map>




I think this could have happened if the methods don't exist. But, I have all the javascript methods in the page and i tried putting alerts in them. None of clicks actually call my javascript function. But, when I call them from anywhere outside the map, it works fine.




Please tell me what could be wrong with something like this.


<entity id='01' value='79.88' displayValue='ASIA' link='Javascript:showWorldMap();' />

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Could you please try this in your web server? ( localhost/live server using IIS/Apache etc.)

If you are using dataXML method please use %25 for %. (dataXML is providing the XML to the chart as a string and not through a file or a XML stream)

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Thanx a lot Sudipto :)




It works perfectly in my appserver (apache/tomcat). But, doesn't work when I put it in a static html. That is what worried me. Does this mean javascript links on the maps don't work in a static html page?




I am trying to make some static prototypes. Is there a work around for getting this done without deploying it on an app server?




And the usage of %25 for % works too. (For number suffix and also for legends).




Thanks again for the prompt reply!!

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This is due to a security issue of the latest Adobe Flash player which i am afraid we can't help fixing. Adobe has documented it and in next release might fix this issue. Using earlier Flash Players the JavaScript links could be accessed thorough link in statch HTML too. We look forward to Adobe for a fix. If not we would be fixing the issue in our next major release since this woudl involve a major code revamp so far chart/map development is concerned.

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