
Simple Chart in Wordpress

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	echo "in head";

	<TITLE>Simple Chart Example</TITLE>
	echo " in head2";

	echo " in body";


	echo " create string";
    //Create an XML data document in a string variable
    $strXML  = "";
    $strXML .= "<graph caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units'
    decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Jan' value='462' color='AFD8F8' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Feb' value='857' color='F6BD0F' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Mar' value='671' color='8BBA00' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Apr' value='494' color='FF8E46' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='May' value='761' color='008E8E' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Jun' value='960' color='D64646' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Jul' value='629' color='8E468E' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Aug' value='622' color='588526' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Sep' value='376' color='B3AA00' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Oct' value='494' color='008ED6' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Nov' value='761' color='9D080D' />";
    $strXML .= "<set name='Dec' value='960' color='A186BE' />";
    $strXML .= "</graph>";
      echo "string done";

    //Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data from strXML variable using dataXML method
    echo renderChartHTML("/FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", $strXML, "myNext", 600, 300);

I'm new to Wordpress, and I'm trying to get FusionCharts to work on it.  I've followed lots of examples in this forum, but can't seem to get anything to show up.   I just don't feel like the Include ("fusioncharts.php"); is really loading.   The code I have is above, it is for the following site:   http://discounthuntgear.com/tryme.php


I also have an image of the "File Manager"...the fusioncharts.php file is in the same folder as the tryme.php that is trying to call it.   Any advise would be much appreciated!!!





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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


It seems that you are using older version of FusionCharts and its PHP wrapper. Please check and confirm with the latest version.


Please refer the latest documentation for implementation: http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/usage-guide/using-with-server-side-languages/php/introduction.html


You can refer the following sample using XML:
Hope this helps.

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Thanks Vishalika, I did have some out of date files.    I updated to the ones in the link you provided.


I have the php wrapper file that I downloaded in the fusioncharts folder I created.   However, as soon as the code hits the "include("fusioncharts/fusioncharts.php"); statement..it dies.   If I comment it out, it runs all the way through till it gets to the render portion (and then doesn't know what to do with it, as we'd expect with the wrapper file in there).   Do you know of something that would cause it to just stop as soon as it tries to include that file?




Thanks again.

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Can you please try using require() to include the *.php file or try uploading the *.php within the server through FTP?

For more information, please refer the following link:



Hope this helps.

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I went into the fusioncharts.php file and enabled some error reporting.


Here's what it's spitting out.   "PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home6/discowo3/public_html/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.php on line 5

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Corrected.   The Parse error was due to the platform I'm on running PHP 5.2, and the wrapper was for 5.4.  I was able to find a compatible version of the wrapper, and now it works just fine.   The other piece that helped it was changing the include statement to --> include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.php");   I'm not sure if it was just a CPanel problem...but the document root function was needed to get it to the correct file. 


Thanks again for ya'lls help, and getting me pointed in the right direction.   I've been using FusionCharts for years now (with ASP.NET)...this is my first venture in doing it in PHP...so it took me a while to get it going.   Couldn't have done it without ya'lls help...Thanks again.

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