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msstackedcolumn2d - issue with X-axis labels

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I am trying to re-create this chart (original.gif) in Fusion Charts but the best I can do is this (fusion_charts.gif).


I am using msstackedcolumn2d and the main issue is that in the original chart, I have the years on the X-axis and then a sub-group of imports and exports. The "import" and "export" labels don't need to be displayed inside the columns; it would be fine if they could be displayed below the chart, on the x-axis, above the years.


Am I using the wrong type of chart? I've gone through all the chart types and don't see one that uses sub-sections on the X-axis.


Please help!


Thanks and have a great day!





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I've been able to work out the initial problem by adding space between the chart and the legend and using text annotations to add the words "import" and "export".


Now the only remaining issue is in the legend. It appears that I have to have "Travel" twice, "Commercial services" twice, and "Transportation and government services" twice.


Is there a way to set up my chart to only display each of those only once?


Thank you very much!



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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


The legend comes twice as Travel since you have created that category for both the "Import" and "Export" option.


You can differentiate by giving the category name as Export-Travel and Import-Travel.


Hope this helps.

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Hello and thank you for welcoming me to the forums, Vishalika!


It's really too bad that there does not seem to be a true solution to this problem, as it may be a deal breaker on whether or not we will be using Fusion Charts.


I even tried placing an annotation shape at the same location as some of those legend items to hide them, but the annotation shapes appear below the legend only. If I could move the annotation shapes above the legend, then that could be a possible solution but I don't know how to do this and using "showBelow": "0", does not help.


Are you certain that there is no solution?


Is there any way to have sub-categories along the X-axis?



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Can you please share any JSFiddle link for the issue?


Also, currently subcategories along X-axis the subcategories are not natively supported but can be created using Annotations.


Awaiting response.

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