
Gantt Chart takes more time to render in firefox

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Dear Team,


We are moving our flash based gantt charts to JavaScript Based. We observe that the JS based charts are generally are slower compared to the Flash based ones.. Especially when the processes/tasks are more, especially in firefox the firefox becomes unresponsive and get script may be busy/not responsive alert box.  


Can you please help us to resolve this problem. 




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Hi Yamini,


Could you please share your chart data so that we can go ahead and check it at our end as to assist you accordingly ?


Please update your chart data in the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/fLqSL/(update it with your data to replicate the issue ).


Also, please do share the version of Firefox used.


Awaiting response.

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Hi Moonmi,


I have update the chart data in the given fiddle url. Firefox is latest 40.0.3 Version.


Kindly help me resolve the problem.




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Hi Yamini,


After much investigation, it is found that the problem is due to creation of large number of SVG element, to render such amount of data the browser may get hang or crash. Our system is working fine as expected but the browser is taking long time to draw the elements, and for now we have no optimizing technique from our side. If the browser support drawing of so much DOM elements then only it will work.



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