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Curious Case of the Missing Column

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Hi there,


Having a bit of an issue with a column on my chart not rendering and I'm not honestly sure why. The attached is a picture of how the graph is loading.


The below is the XML being used to generate this graph: -

<chart caption='Campaign Average Value' xAxisName='Send Date' yAxisName='Average Value (£)' showValues='1'  adjustDiv='0' outCnvBaseFontSize='10' labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' rotateValues='1' placeValuesInside='1'> 
		<category label='27/04/2015 12:01' />
		<category label='18/05/2015 12:01' />
		<category label='01/06/2015 12:02' />
		<category label='08/06/2015 12:00' />
		<category label='15/06/2015 12:02' />
		<category label='22/06/2015 12:01' />
		<category label='06/07/2015 12:02' />
		<category label='13/07/2015 12:00' />
		<category label='17/07/2015 12:00' />
		<category label='24/07/2015 12:00' />
		<category label='31/07/2015 12:02' />
		<category label='07/08/2015 12:01' />
		<category label='14/08/2015 12:01' />
		<category label='21/08/2015 12:00' />
		<category label='25/09/2015 12:01' />
		<category label='02/10/2015 12:00' />
		<category label='09/10/2015 12:00' />
	<dataset seriesName='Average Value' color = '003399' >
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 7, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 8, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 6, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 9, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 5, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='12.71' toolText = 'Recipients: 7, Average Value: £12.71 (Total Revenue: £89.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 7, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='13.61' toolText = 'Recipients: 3, Average Value: £13.61 (Total Revenue: £40.83)' />
		<set value='5.83' toolText = 'Recipients: 7, Average Value: £5.83 (Total Revenue: £40.83)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 5, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='1,899.50' toolText = 'Recipients: 10, Average Value: £1,899.50 (Total Revenue: £18,995.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 4, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='51.52' toolText = 'Recipients: 6, Average Value: £51.52 (Total Revenue: £309.12)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 8, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 3, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 6, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Recipients: 7, Average Value: £0.00 (Total Revenue: £0.00)' />
	<dataset seriesName='Cumulative Average Value' color = 'BCBEC0' renderas='Line' showValues='0'>
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £0.00, Cumulative Recipients: 7, Cumulative Total Revenue: £0.00' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £0.00, Cumulative Recipients: 15, Cumulative Total Revenue: £0.00' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £0.00, Cumulative Recipients: 21, Cumulative Total Revenue: £0.00' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £0.00, Cumulative Recipients: 30, Cumulative Total Revenue: £0.00' />
		<set value='0.00' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £0.00, Cumulative Recipients: 35, Cumulative Total Revenue: £0.00' />
		<set value='2.12' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £2.12, Cumulative Recipients: 42, Cumulative Total Revenue: £89.00' />
		<set value='1.82' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £1.82, Cumulative Recipients: 49, Cumulative Total Revenue: £89.00' />
		<set value='2.50' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £2.50, Cumulative Recipients: 52, Cumulative Total Revenue: £129.83' />
		<set value='2.89' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £2.89, Cumulative Recipients: 59, Cumulative Total Revenue: £170.66' />
		<set value='2.67' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £2.67, Cumulative Recipients: 64, Cumulative Total Revenue: £170.66' />
		<set value='259.00' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £259.00, Cumulative Recipients: 74, Cumulative Total Revenue: £19,165.66' />
		<set value='245.71' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £245.71, Cumulative Recipients: 78, Cumulative Total Revenue: £19,165.66' />
		<set value='231.84' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £231.84, Cumulative Recipients: 84, Cumulative Total Revenue: £19,474.78' />
		<set value='211.68' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £211.68, Cumulative Recipients: 92, Cumulative Total Revenue: £19,474.78' />
		<set value='205.00' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £205.00, Cumulative Recipients: 95, Cumulative Total Revenue: £19,474.78' />
		<set value='192.82' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £192.82, Cumulative Recipients: 101, Cumulative Total Revenue: £19,474.78' />
		<set value='180.32' toolText = 'Cumulative Average Value: £180.32, Cumulative Recipients: 108, Cumulative Total Revenue: £19,474.78' />
			<style name='myValuesFont' type='font' size='9' color='000000' bold='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' borderColor='666666'/>
			<apply toObject='DataValues' styles='myValuesFont' />

Our current theory is that that bar is simply too large in comparison with the other values present but..... I need the Y axis to scale up to it and render appropriately. I'm not imposing a limit on the Y axis max value either so..... thoughts?


Thanks for any help!


EDIT: The relevant Set node is on line 32 of the XML.

EDIT2: And of course this is using MS Column and Line 3d


Edited by Sethenvir

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Ok this can be closed, I found the issue. Someone had formatted the number being used for the Set Value using ToString("N2") and seems it doesn't like the thousand separator. Guessing it parses it to a number and having the literal character "," causes this to fail resulting in a 0 or null value.

Edited by Sethenvir

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