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Coloring the Maps

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I'm using FusionCharts XT in my project.
Now I have a question,
I need to use a different color range in my map, for example:
On "Acre" I have three schools, when one is closed I need to plot this in yellow, if I have two I need to plot this in red.
In other state, the rule changes. For example:
On "São Paulo" if I have one school, I need to plot this in green. But if I have more I have to plot this in yellow.
How can I do this?


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Hi Fabio,


Welcome to FusionCharts forum posts.


For the kind of your requirement you need to plot specific color to any entity. Please check out this fiddle:


For gradient legend


IF you still facing, please elaborate further with screenshots, so that I can assist you further.



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