
Not fully functional work with QtWebKit

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I'm facing the problem, that in applications based on QtWebKit library FusionCharts loose part of it's functionality. For example pie chart will show chart and legend, legend will be able to slide pieces out of chart if you click on it, but there won't be chart rotation, tooltips and piece of chart won't slide out if you click on piece itself. In practice it can be seen in such applications as QtWeb( or Arora( So mine question: Is this library too outdated to support FusionCharts or there are some workarounds that can be applied for proper work?


Thanks in advance!

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FusionCharts is a JavaScript charting library and uses SVG and VML technologies to render the charts. It uses core JavaScript components of browser/platform to render the chart, you are facing issue as QtWebKit Library may not be able to support JavaScript functionality required by FusionCharts. I would suggest you to upgrade to latest version of FusionCharts Suite.


Please refer to this link to know more technical specifications about FusionCharts:

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