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Map not showing IE6 or IE7

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My map will not load in IE6 or IE7. It works on Firefox for PC and Mac.




It is not working from either the server or from the desktop of the machine. (I have not tried running it from http://localhostxxxx as I don't think think that will help.)




Here is the map embedded in my web template (Coldfusion):




Here is the map with HTML generated by the Fusion Maps GUI:




Any suggestions?





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Could you please revert back to FusionMaps.js that our Download Pack has distributed?

I find that this is the line that you have modified:

swfNode += '<param name="movie" value="../LM-USA/'+ this.getAttribute('swf') +'" />';

which seem to fall heavy on all browsers which support <object> tag to load embeded objects in the HTML. It is trying to load the swf files from another path (hardcoded as ../LM-USA/ ) which, i fear does not exists or does not contain the required SWF files. There would be no problem with Firefox or browsers that use <embed> since that portion is not modified to use this hardcoded path.

The above line should be :

swfNode += '<param name="movie" value="'+ this.getAttribute('swf') +'" />';

I hope things will work fine and smooth now. It's a pleasure helping you out.


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