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showPlotBorder in MSAREA chart, need border in chart upper side only

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I have the following requirement. I need to create an MSArea chart, which looks like below:




Below is my MSAREA Chart code, enabling "showPlotBorder"

ClipboardPage Pg = tools.findPage("D_SalesPerformanceVsQuota");
int qMaxLength = Pg.getInteger("pxResultCount");
<chart decimals="0" numberprefix="$" plotgradientcolor="" showplotborder="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF" showborder="0" showalternatehgridcolor="0" showvalues="0" showcanvasborder="0" canvasborderalpha="0" legendshadow="0" legendborderalpha="0" labelDisplay="NONE" 
showLabels="0" minimiseWrappingInLegend="1" palettecolors="#A9B1BB,#A5EBC5" connectNullData ="1" drawAnchors="1" showPlotBorder="1" plotBorderThickness="2">

for(int i=1;i<=qMaxLength;i++) {
  ClipboardPage categoryPg = tools.findPage("D_SalesPerformanceVsQuota.pxResults("+i+")");
  String categoryName= categoryPg.getString("Category");
  String displayName= categoryPg.getString("DisplayText");
  if(displayName != null && !displayName.isEmpty()){
	<category label="<%=displayName%>" showLabel="1" />
<%} else {
	<category label="<%=categoryName%>" />

<dataset seriesname="Commit" plotBorderColor="#5a6572">
for(int i=1;i<=qMaxLength;i++) {
  ClipboardPage seriesPg = tools.findPage("D_SalesPerformanceVsQuota.pxResults("+i+")");
  double dayAmt= seriesPg.getDouble("OppAmount1");
  double cumulativeSum= seriesPg.getDouble("CumulativeSum1");
  String oppName = seriesPg.getString("FirstName");
	<set displayvalue="<%=oppName%>"  <% if(1==i || cumulativeSum!=0){%> value="<%=cumulativeSum%>" <%}%>/>

<dataset seriesname="Closed (Won)" plotBorderColor="#2ed177">
for(int i=1;i<=qMaxLength;i++) {
  ClipboardPage seriesPg = tools.findPage("D_SalesPerformanceVsQuota.pxResults("+i+")");
  double dayAmt= seriesPg.getDouble("OppAmount");
  double cumulativeSum= seriesPg.getDouble("CumulativeSum");
  String oppName = seriesPg.getString("Name");
	<set displayvalue="<%=oppName%>"  <% if(1==i || cumulativeSum!=0){%> value="<%=cumulativeSum%>" <%}%>/>

        <line  startValue="0" endValue="390000" color="#2A97DE" valueonright="1" displayvalue="Quota" showOnTop="1" thickness="2"/>

I am getting chart something like this.



If you notice, in the second screen-shot, I am getting border color in red highlighted area also. We don't want that, we only want the border color to be in upper part of chart. 

Please suggest. Thanks!

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