Bharath Pj

Fusion chart export into server side

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I want to export chart as image format like an attachment. And i have done up to view chart using React.js but i cant get the chart as an attachment for sent mail to client. How can i done this? please give the example code for this......

am trying using this below code to get chart attachment

      var chartObject = new FusionCharts(DOMId);


How can i implement this as complete.Thanks

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FusionCharts provides you the feature of exporting charts into multiple formats such as jpg, png etc.. however in order to attach the image file to an email you need to export the chart and manually attach that file to the email, as of now there is no native feature to attach the image automatically to the email.

To know more about export feature please refer this link -

Also please check the export feature sample using react js -

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