Candlestick chart not supported

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Im trying to use candlestick chart in a angular 4 project but show -Chart type not supported- 

i want to know if this is a bug or is not supported yet. 

will this be supported soon? 


Thank you.

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Based on the above error, please troubleshoot the following things in your code to resolve the problem


Please check the chart alias name is provide as candlestick on your source code.


Also, check that whether you have included fusioncharts.powercharts.js as your core library files, as to render Candlestick chart you need to have fusioncharts.js and fusioncharts.powercharts.js


For reference please check the sample for details- https://plnkr.co/edit/iuk8MX04Cvg1EH2AQ5Ix?p=preview

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