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Unable to access .swf chart fiels located under WEB-INF folder.

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I placed all .swf files under WEB-INF folder for the security reasons. But I am not able to access those files if they are in WEB-INF folder through javascript and Java code in the JSP. (See the below code)



script type="text/javascript">

new FusionCharts("/WEB-INF/fusionCharts/Bar2D.swf", "", "xmlString", "chart1Id", "400", "180", 0, 0);   (or)

new FusionCharts("../../WEB-INF/fusionCharts/Bar2D.swf", "", "xmlString", "chart1Id", "400", "180", 0, 0);




String chartHTMLCode=FusionChartsCreator.createChartHTML("../../WEB-INF/fusionCharts/Bar2D.swf", "", "strxml", "scoreGraph", 400, 180, false);


Please let me know how can i access these files from the WEB-INF folder.

Note that i can able to access .swf files if i placed them outside of web-inf folder. 



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Even i tried with the standalone example as it is given in the "$CodeJSPBasicExampleBasicChart.jsp" with the Tomcat 6.0.  But i am not able to access the Column3D.swf file located under the /WEB-INF/FusionCharts/.   (See the below code)


String chartHTMLCode=createChartHTML("../../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "Data/Data.xml", "", "myFirst", 600, 300, false);


Please let me know the solution for this.



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