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I upgraded from .swf to javascript fusioncharts. I use the last version. In .swf map chart, I could drill down on marker. Now, I not able to set the xml to drill down on markers: is it still possible?

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Yes, markers support drill-down functionality using the "link" attribute of the marker objects. Unfortunately, in the current version 3.13.1-sr.1 of FusionCharts library there is an issue with the marker drill down feature.

This has been logged internally and the concerned team is working on the issue. We will notify you as it gets resolved.




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Thank you for your continued patience.

For the issue reported, could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite XT v3.13.4?

To avail the licensed release, you would need to re-download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center. PUC URL:

To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.13.4, please visit the link:




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