Akash Biswas

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About Akash Biswas

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  1. Negative rounding doesn't give the good number

    Hope you are keeping well! Thank you for your continued patience. For the issue reported, could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite XT v3.18.0? To avail of the licensed release, you would need to re-download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center. PUC URL: https://puc.fusioncharts.com/ To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.18.0, please visit the link: https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite Thanks, Akash.
  2. How can I apply custom theme in angular project

    Welcome Dinesh. Glad it worked
  3. How can I apply custom theme in angular project

    Hi Dinesh, You can place your custom theme file within the "assets" folder and then import in your module.ts file providing the path as below with respect to this sample shared. import "../assets/darkbeans.js" Sample : https://codesandbox.io/s/cool-platform-ooqx4yo41y?file=/src/app/app.component.ts Please refer to the above sample and implement accordingly. Thanks, Akash.
  4. Sunburst rotate labels inside

    Hi, The Sunburst charts does not support displaying labels as in your shared image since it would result in overlapping or moving out of the data plot area in case they are smaller. Sunburst charts documentation link for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/sunburst-chart Thanks, Akash.
  5. How to display the data on top of Bar chart bar always

    Hi Dipak, Legends are supported in multi-series chart types like mscolumn2d, msbar2d, combination chart types and Doughunut/Pie chart types. Single-series chart types like column2d or bar2d does not support legends feature. In a single-series chart type the data plot names cannot be displayed as legends, since legends represents series on a multi-series chart. Documentation link for legends : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend Thanks, Akash.
  6. How to display the data on top of Bar chart bar always

    Hi Dipak, The data value displayed on the data plots cannot be positioned at the top of the data plots natively. As a work-around you can use Text annotation to display custom string anywhere on the chart by positioning it using the "x" and "y" configuration attributes to set its co-ordinates in pixels. Please check the below documentation link for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/annotations/creating-annotations/create-text-annotations Sample fiddle for reference : https://jsfiddle.net/us1ohfg2/3/ Please note : Annotations are static in nature. Thanks, Akash.
  7. Heatmap with Null/blank values

    Hi Apurva, You can set "showValue" to "1" for the cells you want to show values. Also there is an option to set any custom string for individual cells by defining the "displayValue" configuration attribute within each "data" objects. Sample fiddle for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/akp3mwj5/3/ Thanks, Akash.
  8. Annotations in the plot area mask rollover/rollout events

    Thanks for the acknowledgement.
  9. Heatmap with Null/blank values

    Hi, FusionCharts supports handling out of range data to configure its cells accordingly. Please refer to this documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/heat-map-chart#handle-out-of-range-data Thanks, Akash.
  10. heatmap with color ranges for each row

    Hi, The Heatmap cells color is determined by the "colorRange" object that you define in your dataSource. Check this sample fiddle for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/qLtnwr3b/3/ Or you can explicitly set the color of the cells by defining the "color" configuration attribute within the individual "data" objects as below : { "rowid": "Samsung Galaxy S5", "columnid": "Processor", "value": "8.7", "tllabel": "Quad Core 2.5 GHz", "trlabel": "OS : Android 4.4 Kitkat", "color": "#FF0000" } Documentation link for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/heat-map-chart#create-category-based-heat-map-charts Thanks, Akash.
  11. Annotations in the plot area mask rollover/rollout events

    Hi, Yes, Annotations are static component of the chart, and you can position them by specifying the "x" and "y" co-ordinates accordingly. However, display value cannot be positioned explicitly. It could be placed inside/outside of the data plots. FusionCharts also supports the option to add padding to the data values. Please refer to the below documentation link for setting valuePadding configuration attribute : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/chart-paddings-and-margins#set-padding-for-data-value Please note : The value and displayValue are right aligned in a bar visualization. Thanks, Akash.
  12. Annotations in the plot area mask rollover/rollout events

    Hi, You can use the "displayValue" configuration to show your text on the bar plots instead of displaying annotations to avoid this scenario. Check this sample for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/sj32meub/1/ Documentation link for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-values#configure-text-labels-instead-of-numeric-data-values Thanks, Akash.
  13. Annotations in the plot area mask rollover/rollout events

    Hi, The annotation is placed over the data plots(bars), hence it is on top of the bar, and the bar is behind the annotation. Hence the data plots(bars) tooltip will not appear when the mouse is over the annotation items. You can set the "showBelow" configuration attributes within the "groups" object of the dataSource to "1" to set the annotations behind the data plots. Thanks, Akash.
  14. Please check the issue is fixed in current version. https://jsfiddle.net/3k4eafq2/2/
  15. {br} tag not working in arabic lang ?

    Hi Hosam, Please check this sample fiddle using your shared data where the tooltip is not displayed as in your shared image. Sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/c65y9zjb/\ Please check whether you are getting the issue replicated in the above sample. If you still face any issue, kindly replicate the same in the sample fiddle and share with us. Please note : We are using the current released version of the library 3.16.0. Thanks, Akash.