
Can't resolve fc-utils with webpack

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I have an app that works great under 3.13.5 but fails to compile under 3.14.0 and 3.14.1. 

I use webpack to compile and get several errors of this form: 

ERROR in ./node_modules/@fusioncharts/widgets/src/chart/_internal/realtime.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../../fc-utils/src/array/safe-max'

Looking in the node_modules directory by hand I notice there is no fc-utils directory but there is a utils directory (which does contain src/array/safe-max.js) and I suspect this is just a naming issue. (And perhaps compiling like this is unusual so nobody else has found it.) 

It's tough to do a full reproduction but relevant parts of various files: 


    "fusioncharts": "^3.14.1",


import 'fusioncharts/viz/doughnut2d';
import 'fusioncharts/viz/stackedbar2d';
import 'fusioncharts/themes/es/fusioncharts.theme.fusion';


import FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts/core';
import Doughnut2D from 'fusioncharts/viz/doughnut2d';
import Stackedbar2D from 'fusioncharts/viz/stackedbar2d';
import AngularGauge from 'fusioncharts/viz/angulargauge';
import HLinearGauge from 'fusioncharts/viz/hlineargauge';
import FusionTheme from 'fusioncharts/themes/es/fusioncharts.theme.fusion';


  version "3.14.1"
  resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/fusioncharts/-/fusioncharts-3.14.1.tgz#328f3bc9b369d9ae553b19926484fe8e22ab3b19"
  integrity sha512-qsQdYFGqtozSpaTdElJmtBg+bmtlaIGj2ULniC4PIwD/kON+sgthCqKPguPLNOBdRM9mITxF2ihR4EvOdoj27Q==
    "@babel/runtime" "7.4.5"
    "@fusioncharts/charts" "^3.14.1"
    "@fusioncharts/constructor" "^1.0.1"
    "@fusioncharts/core" "^1.0.1"
    "@fusioncharts/datatable" "^1.0.1"
    "@fusioncharts/features" "^1.0.1"
    "@fusioncharts/fusiontime" "^1.3.0"
    "@fusioncharts/maps" "^3.14.1"
    "@fusioncharts/powercharts" "^3.14.1"
    "@fusioncharts/utils" "^1.0.1"
    "@fusioncharts/widgets" "^3.14.1"
    mutationobserver-shim "^0.3.3"
    promise-polyfill "^8.1.3"


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This does appear to be a packaging bug.

I added run-script-os:

yarn add run-script-os

Then added this into the scripts section of my package.json: 

    "install": "run-script-os",
    "install:linux": "find node_modules/@fusioncharts -type f -exec sed -i 's|../../../fc-utils|../../../utils|g' {} \\;",
    "install:darwin": "find node_modules/@fusioncharts -type f -exec sed -i '' 's|../../../fc-utils|../../../utils|g' {} \\;"

Things work great after that. (The only reason for run-script-os is because sed is implemented differently on Linux and Mac (which draws from NeXT heritage) and so need slightly different arguments. 

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