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Bar Chart Proportions and Label Wrap

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I am using a StackedBar3D chart that has some lengthy labels. Rather than the labels wrapping, the chart is showing up with the labels full-length, and the chart stuffed into a relatively few pixels to the right. It looks decidedly odd and is not usable.




My questions:


-- can I force the labels to wrap (perhaps by setting a max width for the label area)?


-- can I set the vertical size of each bar so they look more like a bar chart? How can I scale the chart so that its always similarly proportioned, even with different numbers of categories on the chart?




(see attached .jpg)








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The only answer I've found is to precalculate the number of categories there will be in the result set, then set the size of the chart SWF accordlngly.




In my JS, I pass in the numberof categories, then do:


var height = 60 * numEntries;


var chart1 = new FusionCharts(charturl+charttype, "chart1Id", "600", height, "0", "1");




The results look pretty good.




(see attachment)






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