
Change ID for countries

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Hi, i followed this link to change IDs, but the way i'm doing is not working. I have the following example:

var chart1 = "{" +
  "'chart':{" +
      "'showlegend':'0'," +
      "'caption':'Ejemplo'," +
      "'nullentityfillcolor':'#43ccfe'," +
      "'showmarkerlabels':'0'," +
      "'showentityhovereffect':'1'," +
      "'theme':'fusion'" +
  "}, 'entityDef' : [ {'internalId': '05', 'newId' : '01'}, {'internalId': '80', 'newId' : '16'}]," +
      "'data':[" +
   "{" +
   "'value': '16'," +
   "'color' : '#004d80'" +
   "}" +
   "]" +


If you see, i want to change the 05 Id to 01 (is just a example) So Canada (id = 05) would be  id = 01. So is this possible? Because i don't have results.

I want to know if there is a possibility to do something like that, because in a future i want to retrieve my own id from my database to set newId (with number).


Hope you can help me to achieve this. Thanks in advance :)

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It is possible to define custom ID for the entities, and then use them in the data objects to provide values to the map dataSource. You can check the below sample for reference :

For further reference, you can check the documentation link for the details :




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5 hours ago, Akash Biswas said:



It is possible to define custom ID for the entities, and then use them in the data objects to provide values to the map dataSource. You can check the below sample for reference :

For further reference, you can check the documentation link for the details :




Oops, i forgot to paste the link, that link was the guide, but i can not  change id's to another integer id's.

As i wrote, my intention is change id 05 (Canada) to id = 16 (just a example). Because i want to use only integer id's and i want to "interchange" the id's because from my database i have countries but are different id's. That's the reason i want to do that, there is a option to do this?

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It will not be possible to set id 05 (Canada) to id 16, as the id 16 is already present in the default set of id predefined for the map type. You can set new custom ID to the entities which is not present in the predefined list of ID for that map type.

Please note : Only unique ID are accepted as new custom ID which are not present in the predefined list to avoid conflicts.

Refer to the below sample :




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