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How can I put multiple JavaScript functions in a single chart link?

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I have a column3d chart and I want to place two or three JavaScript functions in a single link. (each column on the chart contains a link). Is this possible and if so how can it be done?

My current link looks like this:

string link = "javascript:updateChart(%26apos;" + oRs.ReadData["STRAIGHT"].ToString() + "%26apos;)";

I want the link to contain 2 or 3 functions, something like...

string link = "javascript:updateChart(%26apos;" + oRs.ReadData["STRAIGHT"].ToString() + "%26apos;)" AND javascript:updateStats(%26apos;" + oRs.ReadData["STRAIGHT"].ToString() + "%26apos;)";

Is it possible and what would the correct syntax be?

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Could you please use  ';' separator. Please follow the code

string link = "javascript:updateChart(%26apos;" + oRs.ReadData["STRAIGHT"].ToString() + "%26apos; ) ; updateStats(%26apos;" + oRs.ReadData["STRAIGHT"].ToString() + "%26apos; ) ;";

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