
Responsiveness of Widgets

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Potential new user of FC here so apologies for this newbie question, but I want to be clear about some possibilities before I invest more time/money/etc in FC.

I'm looking for a JS gauge library where the individual gauges are (or can be made) responsive. So this project is for a dashboard type layout with multiple gauges each placed in a CSS grid cell. The question is whether the FC gauges can be set to re-render automatically to a new size if their container/page is resized eg by the user?

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Hi Albedo,

FusionCharts supports providing chart/ gauge height and width in percentage with respect to the chart container dimension. You need to set/ configure the container div's dimension accordingly, and if chart height and width is set in percentage, it will take it's container dimension automatically.

Please refer to this fiddle for the implementation:

Please refer to this link for more information: 

Hope this would help.

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Thank you - gives me some confidence look at FC in more detail. (And apologies for the delay in replying - took some days for my original/initial post to be approved and I almost gave up checking!)

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