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fusion chart in ppt

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I am using an evluation version of fusion chart and was successful in using the chart in ppt. The problem that I am facing is - The 3D column chart that I am using runs in PPT only once.

After the end of slide show, even if i turn the "playing" property as "True", Chart Column 3D effect does not work.

request your help. Is this because of the evaluation version that I am using or is it a general feature.

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I tried to do everything as stated in






but still no chart appeared on my presentation. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. I'm using Powerpoint 2007. I'm attaching a screenshot for your reference.




Btw, on the files presentationChart.html and presentationChart.xml work on the browser and that's what I'm trying to put on the powerpoint.




Thanks in advance.


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Could you please try using these steps to do the same?

1. Add Shockwave Flash Control to your PowerPoint Slide.

2. Set the movie property like below:

  a. Movie=file:///d:chartscolumn3d.swf?dataXML=<chart><set value='10' /><set value='5' /></chart>


  b. Movie=file:///d:chartscolumn3d.swf?dataURL=D:data.xml

3. Set FrameNum=0

4. Set Playing property to true (Playing=True).

And then run your slide.


Please Note: Step 3 and 4 is necessary every time when you are doing slide show.

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Guest Rajroop

Hey there,




We've just released a new and free add-in for PowerPoint that lets you add FusionCharts very easily to your slides. Check out oomfo @




Would love to have your feedback/suggestions. :D

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