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Movie Not Loaded

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<!-- START Script Block for Chart -->
<!-- START Script Block for Chart ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Frame1_WebChart1Chart -->
<div id='ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Frame1_WebChart1ChartDiv' align='center'>
<table class="AltDataTable"><tr class="AltDataRowEven"><td class="AltDataTag">Live Answer</td><td class="AltDataValue">1</td></tr></table>
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Frame1_WebChart1Chart = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Frame1_WebChart1Chart", "600", "200", "0", "1");
chart_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Frame1_WebChart1Chart.setDataXML("<chart  pieYScale='70' ><set label='Live Answer (100.00+%25)' value='1' link='ReportBroadcastItem.aspx%3fmreq%3d140844%26filter%3dLive+Answer%26view%3dvoice' isSliced='0' color='66CC33' /></chart>");
<!-- END Script Block for Chart ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Frame1_WebChart1Chart -->
<!-- END Script Block for Chart -->




Anything wrong with the above?

The chart intermittently does not display.  It *seems* to happen much more frequently in IE (both 6 and 7) than in Firefox.

The source reveals the *exact same* markup when the chart *does* or *does not* display.

Right clicking yields "Movie Not Loaded".


I know that "Movie Not Loaded" seems to indicate that the .swf could not be found. The path "FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf" is correct.

I've checked the webserver logs and it appears (as far as I can tell) that Pie3D.swf is being served properly each time, regardless of whether the chart actually shows up or not.

Any idea what might be wrong here?  Any thoughts on what I can do to help diagnose this issue?

Edited by Guest

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You can use <code></code> tag to post you code, if it doesn't work then post your code through IE, otherwise copy/paste your code into a file and attach this file to the post.

Edited by Guest

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More information:




The application is ASP.NET (3.5) served by IIS 6.0.




Everything is fully patched.




The chart is in an UpdatePanel. The source provided above is from the INITIAL load.




If I force a postback of the UpdatePanel, the chart displays correctly (regardless of whether it displayed correctly the first time or not).

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I don't see a solution to the issue I'm having there.




I use FusionCharts.RenderChart for the initial render, and FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML for PostBacks.




As far as I can tell from both your documentation and the post you linked to, that is the correct thing to be doing.

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This issue has been resolved.








It turns out to have been a misconfigured web server.




ONE of the IIS servers were configured to expire .swf files immediately (the others were set to expire after 1 day).




Configuring all IIS servers to expire after 1 day has solved the issue.




Thank you for your help with this issue (that turned out to have not been related to your product, thankfully).




Overall, we are very happy with FusionCharts. Thanks again.

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