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createChartHTML and registerWithJS

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I am making use of the following method to loop through display a list of drilldown charts in my jsp.


Is there a way to use registerWithJS using this code?This parameter is present with the fusionChart constructor.




//Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from strXML


String chartCode=createChartHTML("./FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", strXML, "" , "xyz", 600, 300, false);













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Could you please try this code for enabling registerWithJS

String chartCode=createChartHTML("./FusionCharts/Column2D.swf?registerWithJS=1", strXML, "" , "xyz", 600, 300, false);

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Thank you for the reply.


I am making use of Fusion chart version 3.0.5.this does not work.


One of the forum posts mentioned using fusion 3.0.6 for the registerWithJS=1 to be working.


Will it work with the trial version of 3.0.6?







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Please note that registerWithJS works in both version 3.0.5 & 3.0.6, the only difference is that Print & SaveAsImage methods are not exposed in version 3.0.5. This will work with trial verion of 3.0.6 also.

Edited by Guest

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I am working on rendering of fusion charts on portlets (liferay-tomcat).


I actually tried the javascript invocation on a simple apache server and everything works fine.


But when i use it on liferay,things go for a toss.




In the velocity template ,i give the property for click url of the chart as follows:






Then pass the registerWithJS parameter as follows in jsp:




String url=chart.getFusionChartSWFFile()+"?registerWithJS=1";


String chartHTMLCode=createChartHTML(url, "",strXML,"MainChartId_${loopStatus.index}", 400, 300, true);






The javascript given in jsp is as follows:


pleasefind the code in ChartDebugger.txt attched.




The chart debugger has no errors.The javascript invocation in the chart debugger is as follows:ChartDebugger.txt attched.




If anyone has worked on fusioncharts for portlets or has any idea please feel free to suggest.






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Were you able to solve your issue with FusionCharts in Liferay portlet?

If so, can you please share the code?

I am currently working on a sample portlet for Liferay and would like to get user feedback or useful code that would help me.


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